Tickets are available online or at the entry of the fair on 11 and 12 of May and include the event magazine.
Biletele se pot achizitiona online sau la intrarea la eveniment intre11 si 12 mai si includ revista evenimentului.
Day Ticket: 50 lei
Two Day Ticket: 90 lei
Day Ticket: 60 lei
Two Day Ticket: 100 lei
Good to know
- An entry wristband is required and must be worn at all times.
- Appropriate attire is required.
- Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed into the wine fair.
- Animals are accepted in the hotel, but not inside the wine fair.
- Novotel Hotel is fully-equipped for people with reduced mobility: entrances have access ramps and lifts easily accommodate wheelchairs. The Hotel car park and specially-designed toilets all offer easy access for people with disabilities.
- The Organizers reserve the right for changes.
Bine de stiut
- Fiecare vizitator primeste o bratara ce trebuie purtata pe toata perioada evenimentului.
- Este necesara o imbracaminte adecvata.
- Persoanele care nu au implinit varsta de 18 ani nu au acces in salonul de vinuri.
- Animalele sunt acceptate in hotel, dar nu in interiorul salonului de vinuri.
- Hotelul Novotel este complet echipat pentru persoanele cu mobilitate redusa: intrarile au rampa de acces si lifturile au acces pentru scaunele cu rotile. Parcarea hotelului si toaletele ofera acces facil persoanelor cu dizabilitati.
- Organizatorii isi rezerva dreptul de a face schimbari.